China Export Agent Purchase From Wholesale Market – Good Service

Sourcing China Agent - Best Buying Service In Market Supplier Purchasing - Import Export Trade Chese Wholesale Product

How to purchase from China market? As a professional China export agent, we answered to our new clients frequently. Here, we’d like to tell you how to buy from China wholesale market. Especially, we would like to introduce you “how does a China buying agent work”. And “what means a good service of China export agent”. To help you purchase from China wholesale market. Generally, hire a good service of China buying agent, is the easiest way. To purchase from China wholesale market. Or you place order to factories directly with your China agent. For example, sourcing and buying in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen. As well as Ningbo, Wenzhou, and Yiwu.

How to find a China export agent or buying agent

Before you come to purchase from China market. Better to find a service of China export agent or buying agent. Because, the China export agent or buying agent can offer a good service to help you buying in China wholesale market. No matter fashion clothing and textile products. Or good quality shoes, bags, accessories. In fact, any kinds of products you are seeking for.

1. What means good service of a China export agent or buying agent

(1) Professional Products knowledge.

Good service based on professional products knowledge. What is a good China export agent or buying agent? Firstly, they should know well about the products. Because experienced products skill is the basic of good service. While good service means the good results. In order to purchasing better quality from China wholesale market.

(2) Comprehensive service.

Purchase from China market, is a complex process. In order to satisfied their clients. The China export agent or buying agent will offer comprehensive service. For instance, free sourcing, market guide, and order tracking. Furthermore, goods consolidate, warehouse and shipping. As well as customs declarations. A professional China export agent or buying agent, surely will offer such good service.

(3) Experience workers with good service.

A professional China export agent or buying agent know well. That good service comes from their good workers. No matter they how to manage internal for team work. Or fixed one-to-one service. While the target is to offer good service to satisfied their clients.

(4) Legal and reliable capability in China government.

Foreign trade business means complex process. While the basic is the trust between clients with the China export agent or buying agent. So that legal and reliable capability is always the key point for a foreign buyer. To purchase from China wholesale market. In fact, every client will consider about such conditions. Especially for the new business to start cooperation in the first time.

(5) Effective service with understanding attitude.

There are many detailed work or requirements from clients. And sometimes, there are too many issues need coordinate between clients and suppliers. How to proceed accordingly in time? And solve all the work with good results? It is the key point. However, the most important thing is that. Does the China export agent or buying agent work effective with understanding attitude? If they are good service attitude. Then it means purchasing from China to be more smoothly and effectively.

(6) Responsible and efficient to solve troubles.

A good service China export agent or buying agent, will always not get out of responsibility. On the contrary, they always take the responsibility and try to solve any problems on behalf of clients. Moreover, they surely will try best to solve in time with lowest cost to get the best results.

(7) Guarantee of QC and goods damage.

Quality inspection is very important in the process of purchase from China wholesale market. If accepted poor quality from supplier, means lose money of their clients. And if goods damage during the shipping way or transportation, also means lose money. Furthermore, not only the money lose, but also will impact the clients of your client’s sale channels. Or even destroy the trust or sales relationship of your clients with their clients…It’s really a serious condition. So, a professional China export agent or buying agent, surely will guarantee the QC and goods damage. In fact, the point is not focus on the compensation, but is for the attitude to take care the orders or goods safety.

(8) Reasonable fees and charges without hidden extra fees.

A reliable China export agent or buying agent, will charge their reasonable commission transparently. Normally, they will clarify all of the related concepts of fees and charges before your business. Moreover, a good service China export agent or buying agent will always quote you a detailed list for confirmation before proceed. Only if you check and accept the quotation. Then they start to proceed. And require you to pay for them in advance. Furthermore, they will always share you tips of the hidden rules. When you purchase from China wholesale market.

(9) Always keeps you informed and details clearly.

Purchase from China market, to receive goods in your warehouse, usually need a long term. And you surely will be worry about your orders or goods if good situation in China wholesale market. A good service China export agent or buying agent will always keep you informed or your orders status. If there are any problems, they will inform you in time. And ask for your instructions. After they solve the troubles, the China export agent our buying agent will update you immediately.

2. How to find good China export agent or buying agent

It’s better for you to find a good service China export agent or buying agent before you come to purchase from China market. So that you can fixed too much detailed work in advance. And can simply focus on the key points when you arrive in China wholesale market. Following, we share the best or easiest way to find a good China export agent or buying agent in China wholesale market.

(1) Search online from GOOGLE.

Normally, you just search on GOOGLE. For key words “China export agent”. Or “China buying agent”. Or “China trade agent”. It’s easy for you to find the best China export agent and buying agent. Of course, you can search key words as your products. Such as “China clothes market”, “fashion clothing in China ”. Or “textile market in China”. Try it, please. you will find many advertise and companies in the results. All based on your prefer. Or service you need. Then you can choose the best words.

(2) Browse the website you interested.

A professional China export agent or buying agent, surely will have their own website. From the website, you can browse their featured service. As well as the basic information of them. Moreover, you can check their blog. Or service guide. And products . To understand more. From the website of the China export agent or buying agent. You can feel and judge if their service or work attitude is good or not. And if the China export agent or buying agent, are legal and reliable enough in China wholesale market.

(3) Communicate with them online.

After you browsing their website, and consider they are good service China export agent or buying agent. Then you communicate with them online. A professional China export agent or buying agent, surely will focus on their online service everyday. No matter Monday to Friday, but also weekend. Every time you require them, they will answer you at any time. It’s also a service attitude. Good service China export agent or buying agent, will always focus on the demand of clients, and service them.

(4) Whether a professional China export agent or not.

When you communicate with the China export agent or buying agent, just ask them questions. From products to China wholesale market, or ask them specifications of products. As well as the hidden rules in China wholesale market. From the answers, you can easily find if they are professional or not. Of course, you can ask them if in some special situation. How should they take behavior to deal with the problems.

(5) Test their service quality.

Not only focus on what they said. But also pay attention to the results or feedback they have. For instance, how many time the China export agent or buying agent, will feedback you quotation list after free sourcing. Or if they really mind you are small quantities order purchase from China market. Any methods you think out. you can try to test the China export agent or buying agent. Anyway, the target is that. You need make conclusion if they are good service or not.

(6) Ask some specialized questions of your products.

Ask some specialized questions of your products as if purchase from China market. For instance, ask the China export agent or buying agent. Why you always receive the fabric you ordered lack in quantities. Or ask them, why the color is different between the samples and bulks. Or how to control the production quality. When the workshop is producing. And so on. Any questions about your business in China wholesale market, you can ask them. Based on such questions. You can easily find if the China export agent or buying agent are professional or not.

(7) Require more detailed information or documents.

If you already consider they is good service enough to cooperate. remember to ask for more detailed information. Such as their work office located. How many staffs they have. where are their clients comes from. Or how many years they work for a certain client from you country, etc. Furthermore, you can ask where is the best China wholesale market.  Where you can buy cheapest goods in China wholesale market. Any question, just like talking face to face. But, actually, you are getting more and more detailed information from them.

(8) Keep in touch with them and communicate frequently.

After the first communication. Or several communicate online. Then you can suspend a little time. Just wait to check if the China export agent or buying agent will contact you or not. If they contact you frequently. That’s mean they are pay much attention on their new clients. As well as they are good service in each process. Then you can keep in touch with them. And try to communicate more detailed information with them. Do remember, more detailed you communicate. More trust you will build with them. It’s very helpful to purchase from China market.

3. Confirm the service condition with your potential agent

After you communicate and set up a trust roughly. And you want to fix your partner of China export agent or buying agent. You’d better to confirm the service conditions before your make decision.

(1) Require their normal service conditions or terms

Every good service China export agent or buying agent, will have their own documents of company introduction. For instance, company profile, process guide and service guide. Moreover, fees and charges list. Or frequently asked question list. Sometimes, check if they are glad to share their experience or tips. To help you purchase from China market. Usually, their blog in website is very helpful for business in China wholesale market.

(2) Explain your service requirements detailed

How to let your China export agent or buying agent understand your requirements? It is very important. Only if they know what to service. And what to pay attention to? If they can focus on how to achieve good service? For instance, you must tell them your target price, your quantities. So that they can help you find the best vendors in China wholesale market. Furthermore, you must tell them your requirements of quality inspection, delivery methods. Or packaging requirements. Then they can fulfill accordingly and seriously. Otherwise, they can not tell you a clearly guarantee or fees charges requirements.

(3) Check their QC methods, and consolidated capability

It’s important for you to check or double confirm the quality control methods,or inspection rate of you products. As it’s mean the safety of your goods purchase from China market. And the good service quality you want in China wholesale market. Moreover, you need check if they have warehouse or not, to ensure you can consolidate goods freely. Of course, you need ask if some special situation, how could they consolidate your goods in China wholesale market.

(4) Ask if there are more service for you

Before you confirm the cooperation with the China export agent or buying agent. You need require if there are more free service for you. There are always some service can offer to you. Such as pick up from airport, booking hotel, or special language interpreter, etc. If you don’t ask, then you will not enjoy the service. Anyway, it’s not a principle issue. Simply means the good service that they use to attract new clients.

(5) Check if there are hidden extra fees

Surely for you to check if there are hidden extra fees. Usually, a good service China export agent or buying agent will not have such situation. But since it’s the first time to cooperate together, better to double confirm. On the contrary, if a poor service agent, they always tell you how lowest they charge you. But finally, there are many hidden extra fees. When some certain work should to proceed, they tell you need extra fees. How can you do then? You have to accept and pay them. It’s only for once-time-business, not for an honest and long term business behavior. A good service China export agent or buying agent will never handle in such way. NO meaning in fact.

(6) Confirm the compensation terms if possible

Here, maybe we think it is necessary to confirm before cooperation. Compensation term, which mean if there are any problems, that impact your goods or capital safety, or delivery time. You can require compensations from the China export agent or buying agent. Sometimes, this is not so clearly identified in the terms. As there are too many excuse, such as the reason of the suppliers. Or related government institutes will cause some delayed or poor quality. Usually they agree you try best to solve problem and inform you. However, they can’t tell you how much they can take the responsibility. Anyway, they are service company in fact, can not take too much responsibility.

(7) Other related conditions

Other related conditions, means some individual requirements you want. Or some other normal conditions. Such as payment terms, transfer methods, etc. As a good service China export agent or buying agent, they usually will remind you more detailed information, and get your confirmation. So that, the business will be smooth and satisfied.

China buying agent-one-stop solution-good service

China buying agent-one-stop solution-good service

China export agent-best shipping way-purchase from China market

China export agent-best shipping way-purchase from China market

Enjoy good service when you purchase from China market

After you confirm and fix the cooperation with a certain China export agent or buying agent. It’s mean you can enjoy the good service of your partner when you purchase from China market. Absolutely, after above steps, you must can find the best partner in China wholesale market. In fact, after you come to China wholesale market. You can just enjoy can control the service quality. And focus on your business in China wholesale market. To rush up and move ahead.

1. Market guide to buy from best suppliers

Your China export agent or buying agent will accompany you visiting the China wholesale market. They not only work as interpreter, but also recommend you the best suppliers in China wholesale market. Actually, before you come to purchase from China market, they will surely source in the China wholesale markets. Usually, the China export agent or buying agent will compare the price, quality, and service. Of course they choose the best suppliers based on the correct products. So that they can guide you to find the correct China wholesale market and best suppliers easily. Surely it will save you much time and energy to easy you purchase from China market.

2. Negotiate a better order terms with your China buying agent

Your China export agent or buying agent will help you sourcing in China wholesale market. When you find the interested products, they will record all of the detailed information. Furthermore, they will also help you negotiate with the suppliers to get better business terms. Such as better price, smaller MOQ, and your goods packing or delivery. If you need private labels, or OEM service, they will try to persuade the suppliers. Actually, such service is very helpful when you purchase from China market.

3. Check and confirm orders before you back hometown

Generally, better for you to confirm the orders at the spot in China wholesale market. So that will easier to follow the order, and fix all of the requirements you prefer. However, maybe you want to check and make decision after all basic information you get from suppliers. Or sometimes, the suppliers shall have to check with their factories then reply you. Don’t worry, you can check and confirm orders after you come back hometown. Your China export agent or buying agent will follow up, and prepare detailed order list for you. That is to say, you can double check the items you want to purchase from China market.

4. Place order with legal sales contract

No matter you are good quantities order with one supplier, or small order with various suppliers. When you purchase from China market, your China export agent or buying agent will sign a legal sales contract with each of the suppliers. The sales contracts will include all of the detailed requirements of your orders, to ensure you can purchase good products from China wholesale market. Meantime, such sales contract, is to safe your capital and goods without any troubles.

5. Order tracking when sample marking and production

After the China export agent or buying agent place the orders, they will track the order to ensure the suppliers proceed accordingly. Furthermore, they will always check and control the sample making, as well as production. Generally, they will check the process in pre-production, on-production, and before shipping. If there are any issues, the China export agent or buying agent will solve them or report you for instructions. Anyway, they will always keep you informed the status of your orders that  purchase from China market.

6. Quality inspection before delivery

As mentioned above, the China export agent or buying agent will follow up the orders. Moreover, they will carry out serious quality inspection. Normally, before the goods delivery to their warehouse, they will arrange quality inspection. Usually, the China export agent or buying agent choose random samples checking. Anyway, the QC will safe you to receive good quality products that purchase from China market.

7. Pick up and consolidate to your buying agent’s warehouse

Goods pick up and consolidate is a very welcome service for foreign buyers. Meantime, it is a good service from a professional China export agent or buying agent. Sometimes, they will collect goods in their own warehouse. But if your order is small, the suppliers will reject to send to warehouse. So they will pick up in the China wholesale market. Anyway, the good service China export agent or buying agent, will proceed goods consolidate very quickly and easily. It surely will save you much time and energy to purchase from China market.

China sourcing agent- China wholesale market- fashion textile

China sourcing agent- China wholesale market- fashion textile

China wholesale market - fashion clothing

China wholesale market – fashion clothing

Good service- Cheap shoes- market guide

Good service- Cheap shoes- market guide

Good service China export agent do all of the rest work to shipping

1. Confirm detailed figures of your goods volumes

A good service China export agent will focus on your goods volumes seriously. Because the basic information of your goods purchased from China market, is very import for customs declaration. For instance, your product name, material, HS code, and use purpose. Moreover, the quantities, amount, cartons, CBM and weight. These basic figures are very import. Must correct to keep the object is consistent with the data. Otherwise, you might be in trouble to export from China wholesale market.

2. Choose best shipping way to export

Since you purchase from China wholesale market with good service of China export agent or buying agent. Then you should consider about how to choose the best shipping way. Here you need consider about the shipping cost, as well as other details. For instance, should you choose sea freight of high value accessories? Or want to air shipping of heavy or bulky cargo? Actually, you need compare the cost, the delivery time, and your sales seasons. A good service of China export agent or buying agent surely will suggest you the best shipping way from China wholesale market.

3. Prepare all of the related documents and paperwork

It is better for you to consult from your local shipping forwarder, to understand the requirements of your local government. So that you can understand how to import from China wholesale market. A good service China export agent or buying agent will check with you before you place order. Then they can understand well what documents or certifications shall prepare for shipping. Normally, before your goods shipping, they will finish all of the related documents and paperwork for you.

4. Loading container or transportation to customs warehouse

After you confirm the shipping way, your China export agent will book space and arrange container loading in their warehouse. If you are LCL shipping, or air shipping, they will arrange inland transportation to the customs warehouse accordingly. Actually, they will plan and proceed all of the detailed work quickly and fast. Moreover, the China export agent or buying agent shall handle without any delay or troubles.

5. Customs declaration and release

The China export agent or buying agent will submit many documents to customs on time. In order to have the container release in time. These detailed work always handle with customs broken company. In fact, China export agent or buying agent will have a professional partner in customs broken. Usually, if your documents are correct, there should be no problem to export from China wholesale market.

6. Original Shipping Documents Transmit

There are still many complex process to proceed. For example, prepare, check, and confirm the shipping documents. Such as copy of B/L, copy of insurance and other related documents. A good service China export agent or buying agent, will follow up each step. And they will remind you to check and confirm accordingly. If you proceed according to their instruction, you will feel it’s so easy to export from China wholesale market.


A good service China export agent or buying agent is very helpful when you purchase from China market. In fact, their one-stop solution service in China wholesale market, is very recognized. Try to read and understand this article carefully. It will help you understand better the question “how to purchase from China market”. By the way, if you want to purchase from other China cities. Don’t worry. A professional China export agent can help you easily. Nor matter from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. Or Ningbo, Wenzhou and Yiwu. They all can help you sourcing, buying, and export from China. Want to know more? Please contact us freely.

Good service - Textile Customized making

Good service – Textile Customized making

Quality inspection - China Trade Agent

Quality inspection – China Trade Agent

China export agent-Warehouse and shipping

China export agent-Warehouse and shipping

Comment (2)

  • Nadal-Dax Owenda| 10/07/2021

    Hi can an agent come back go me

    •| 20/08/2021

      Hi Nadal, we are sourcing and buying agent company in China, and have offices in Guangzhou, Ningbo, Foshan.
      We are mostly focuing on fashion clothing, shoes, bags, as well as fabrics and textile items, for wholesaling, bulk orders with custom made service, etc.
      Our team memebr is following up our inquiries and order, and always keep you updating based on your instructions.

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